A Zoom Gathering for our Camp and Conference Leaders is Held Every Third Thursday

Our monthly Zoom calls are held almost every third Thursday of the month at 11:00am EDT. These Zoom call with your fellow camp and conference leaders will cover a specific topic, as well as offer mutual support. We hope you will be a part of this conversation. You can join us for the Zoom call listed below at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88029467322?pwd=NmFXU0RKQytjTUtFOVRKYWxmaVFPZz09. The passcode is ZA7SUt.

Our March Zoom call is scheduled for Thursday, March 20 at 11:00am Eastern

The topic for our call is the recruitment of summer staff and campers. What seems to be working for your camp or conference ministry related to finding the campers and staff you need? We will also talk about the different methods you have used to get more children and youth to come to camp.  

Please join us for this time of fellowship and support among your fellow camp and conference leaders. If you have a topic suggestion for a future call, please contact Joel Winchip