The International Camp Staff J-1 Visa Program is a great opportunity for qualified internationals to spend their summer vacations working at camps, and experiencing life and culture in the United States. American Camps can staff their summer camp with students from over all over the world, through IENA. Qualified Exchange Visitors are issued a J-1 visa, which allows them to work a maximum of four months between the dates of May 1 and September 30th, and then travel for up to 30 days to experience American culture, improve their English language skills and explore the United States.
IENA and our recruiting partners match camps with highly motivated young people from around the world and provide them with the authorization and support they need to be a valuable member of your team while earning money to support their stay in the US. All applicants are fully screened through a detailed application process and are evaluated on their language ability, if English is not their native language. Their eagerness to work and to experience life in the United States makes them some of the best employees you'll ever hire!
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